13-15 Sep 2023 Marseille (France)


The 2nd CROCO Users' Meeting will be help on 13-15 September 2023 in Marseille, south of France. The main purpose of the meeting is to gather the CROCO community and foster interactions. Hence, we plan to have some presentations from the core developers about model development updates, keynotes from external speakers, but the meeting will focus on your contributions! Topics cover any activities with CROCO, applications, as well as developments.


13-15 September 2023
Fort Ganteaume, 2 Bd Charles Livon, 13007 Marseille, France


Registration is open until June 30. Fees are 50 euros (lunch and conference dinner included).

The number of participants is limited, so we encourage to register as soon as possible. See "Registration" page.


Participants can submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation by going to the "My Submission" page. Abstract deadline is June 30.


  • Agnieszka Herman (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Agnieszka Herman is a physical oceanographer interested in sea ice, ocean dynamics, and ocean-atmosphere interactions, with particular emphasis on polar and subpolar regions. She has a long experience in numerical modelling of physical processes in the oceans, including wind wave modelling (spectral and phase-resolving models), discrete element modelling of sea ice (and granular materials in general), and hydrodynamic modelling. She’s the head of the Sea Ice Modelling Laboratory at the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, in Sopot, Poland. Her present projects are related to ocean mixed layer dynamics and sea ice processes in polynyas, and mechanisms if sea ice-waves interactions. 

  • Alvaro Peliz (University of Lisbon)

Alvaro Peliz is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, where he coordinates the MSc in Geophysical Sciences. He is also an affiliated senior researcher at IDL the Geophysics Research Unity of the University of Lisbon.He is a Physical Oceanographer interested in Ocean Circulation and Dynamics of the North Eastern Atlantic, Iberian Margins, and works on problems of slope currents, mesoscale eddies and jets, the Mediterranean Outflow and the Azores Current. He also collaborates frequently with ocean ecosystem researchers on plankton dispersal projects. He is a longterm ROMS user, from the earlier versions like SCRUM, ROMS, ROMS AGRIF and CROCO.

  • Knut Klingbeil (Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research)

Knut Klingbeil is a physicist working in the department of Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation. Within the cross-cutting activity “Modelling”. He’s the lead developer of the coastal ocean model GETM and co-developing the numerical models GOTMFABM and MOSSCO which are the backbone for many studies at IOW and at international partner institutions. His research interests are consistent numerical techniques for coastal ocean models, the coupling between hydrodynamics and the environment (e.g. waves, atmosphere, ice, sediment) and accurate online model analyses. In the framework of the new priority research focus on Shallow water processes and Transitions to the Baltic scale (STB) a two-way nested coupled GETM system for future high-resolution ecosystem simulations will be developed at IOW.

  • Matthias Münnich (ETH Zürich) 
Matthias Münnich is a physicist working working in the environmental physics group (UP, www.up.ethz.ch) at ETH Zurich as the lead developer of its numerical ocean modeling.  A focus of Matthias Münnich and the UP group is on  on global to regional modeling of the biochemistry of the ocean using the CESM model for global aspect and ROMS model for regional studies (Califorina Current System, Humbold Current, Amazon regaion, Southern Ocean).  Both models are coupled to extened version of the BEC biogeochemistry model. Recently studies include regional air-sea interaction using regional coupled of ROMS to COSMO as well as marine extreme event (heat-waves, ocean acidification and hypoxia).



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